
Our strategy is simple –> OpenSource ! Build with Linux, automate it and don’t look back. We always support opensource and take advantage of it !


Our experienced system architects will offer you the most suitable solution for your business. Knowledge and experience are the key here.


We automate and develop your systems with power of shell scripting, perl and python. The only thing we can’t automate is life.


It’s just not enough to design perfect architecture. Monitoring the whole system is also crucial to maintain them effectively in long run.


Our strategy is simple –> OpenSource ! Build with Linux, automate it and don’t look back. We always support opensource and take advantage of it.

There’s no way around open source software, which can be defined as software that developers can inspect, copy, modify, and redistribute. Proprietary software-providers still dominate the market, but open source software plays an equally important role. For instance, open source Linux powered 75% of the public cloud workload in 2020, and its share is expected to rise to 85% by 2024. Some of the most popular software development stacks – such as the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) and MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js) stacks – are open source software. Last year, around 85% of the world’s smartphones ran on Android, the open source operating system built on the open Linux kernel. Unsurprisingly, the ability to work with open source software is fast becoming a requirement for all software.

Linux Server vs. Windows Server: The Main Differences
ARCHITECTURE centered around the Linux kernel based on the Windows NT architecture
COST free, open-source software owned by Microsoft, includes a licensing fee per user
SECURITY highly secure against malware and cyber threats more prone to hacking attempts and cyber threats
SUPPORT large community supports that can answer commonly asked questions community and long-term customer support, along with great documentation
MODE OF OPERATION command line graphical user interface
USER EXPERIENCE requires an relatively experienced Linux administrator more beginner-friendly
DATABASE SUPPORT MySQL, PostgreSQL Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Access
SCRIPT SUPPORT Python, PHP, Perl, and other Unix languages ASP and ASP.NET


Just like Windows, iOS, and Mac OS, Linux is an operating system. In fact, one of the most popular platforms on the planet, Android, is powered by the Linux operating system. Powered 75% of the public cloud workload in 2020 and its share is expected to rise to 85% by 2024.

A Linux server is a server based on the open-source Linux operating system. It is a popular choice due to its low cost, strong community support, and open-source code.

Many distributions are built around the Linux kernel – Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, and others. Each offers an OS that is stable, secure, and flexible. Due to these features, Linux servers are widely used for hosting web services, network and system administration, database management, and other critical application requirements.

Although it offers distribution versions with a graphical user interface, Linux is mainly operated through a command line. Hence, it requires some knowledge about running operations through a terminal (or time to master doing so). Because it is primarily based on the command line, it offers excellent flexibility when interacting with the server. Additionally, it allows modifying configuration without rebooting the system.

Advantages of Linux Servers

  • No additional licensing fee as the operating system is free.
  • More reliable – it rarely experiences malware, cyber threats, or other security errors.
  • Not demanding on the client hardware and lower resource consumption.
  • Due to its low infrastructure requirements, it shows excellent performance rates.
  • System administrators have the freedom and opportunity to customize the system.
  • Seamless use of open-source software on the server.
  • Supports cooperative work without exposing the program’s core.


linux distros


Our experienced architects will offer you the most suitable solution for your business. Knowledge is the key.

1. System Architecture :
System architecture is a conceptual model that describes the structure and behavior of multiple components and subsystems like multiple software applications, network devices, hardware, and even other machinery of a system. It is Architecture Description Language (ADL) which helps to describe the entire system architecture. So it is a much broader topic. System architecture can be broadly categorize into centralized and decentralized architectural organizations.

2. Software Architecture :
Software architecture refers to the process of creating high level structure of a software system. It is about the complete structure/architecture of the overall system means it converts software characteristics like scalability, security, reusability, extensibility, modularity, maintainability, etc. into structured solutions to meet the business requirement. Multiple high-level architecture patterns and principles are followed during defining architecture of a system. It mainly focuses more on externally visible components of the system and their interaction with each other.

We will build up the end-to-end architecture piece by piece, starting with production-grade infrastructure. Here is a short list of headings you need to take care one by one before go production.

  1. Server-side architecture
  2. Client-side architecture
  3. Data storage
  4. Scalability and High Availability
  5. Continuous Integration
  6. Continuous Delivery
  7. Networking
  8. Security
  9. Monitoring
  10. Cost optimization

Here is the some questions that need to be answered first.

  • How to isolate environments at the network layer?
  • How to deploy and manage your applications?
  • How to expose your applications to serve traffic?
  • How to handle stateful data in your environment?



End to End

We know that there are talented employees you have. Database Specialists, Network Specialists, Security Specialists, Middleware Speciailists, Devops Engineers and the list goes on.. Also we know how much time you waste during the system outage to identify the source of the problem despite these talented employees. As your infrastructure expands, it becomes harder and harder to transfer snapshot of new architecture knowledge to employees. We know the chaos that IT departments experience every day. Did you part ways with your most critical employee who knows the end to end system recently? It sounds very bad.

Troubleshooting on { badly designed/managed, grown out of control, built and forgotten, left to fate, toxic } architectures are traditionaly nightmare for IT employees. Nowadays IT employees doesn’t want to work in such environments. You lost your employees, money and time.

Instead of solving problems in your toxic and has been forgotten architecture, we are working for you to re-create your architecture with new standards.

Things changed, fixing a thing is more expensive then rebuilding it.

Integrity and Consistency

The integrity of the data the system operates on is of the highest consideration when designing a reliable and fault-tolerant architecture. The system should be designed to provide redundant backups that maintain data integrity and all-around consistency.

Performance and Scalability

Modern web applications are built to scale, and an elastic architecture that scales as the traffic grows ensures business needs are not impacted by a large customer base. The architecture should encompass scalability approaches in the design, code, and infrastructure phases.

Deployment Strategy

A deployment process, whether in the cloud or on-premises, should be an integral part of the architecture design. Deployment methodologies such as continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) should ideally be a fabric of this design to streamline the deployments of builds.


In today’s world of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, a user’s sensitive information and overall data security is of paramount importance. An architectural design should insist on incorporating security procedures as a pattern and enforce strong security practices via configuration or convention.

User Experience and Inclusivity

Pertinent to user-facing systems, the end-user experience is paramount in architecture design. Experience architecture (XA) is the process of articulating the user’s journey from one subsystem to another within an application, and is vital in providing the user with helpful controls, hints, and other methods to navigate. The system architecture should also include accessibility design as a part of the user experience, so they can navigate an application thoroughly regardless of physical or cognitive differences.

Recovery and Planning

Data recovery (DR) and business continuity planning (BCP) should be vital parts of an architectural design that ensures business needs are not largely affected when an unforeseen event occurs.

Unit Testing

A resilient architecture should incorporate unit testing as an essential component of its design. A code coverage report generated on each build provides opportunities for code reviews within the team where any inconsistencies can be discovered quickly. Automation should be explored as an integral element of the architecture wherever possible, and not as an afterthought.

Application Performance Monitoring

Even the best engineered systems fail. And when they do, the architecture should be robust enough to offer the end-users and the development teams support information with what went wrong, when, and why. Application performance monitors (APMs) are particularly useful in providing detailed insights on application issues.

Overall, a system architect’s role and performance is defined by the concept, design, development, and maintenance of the application they architect.


We automate and develop your systems with power of shell scripting, perl and python.

Our strenght comes from our open source code knowledge. We support open source always and helping to community to fix all kind of bugs. Our experienced worlwide employees work for Linux distributions for packaging and bug fixing officially. While we help to community we collect the information, master the code and ready to integrate it to your system according to your needs.




I know some developers consider shell scripts something less than “true” programming. This marginalization of shell scripts and those who write them seems to be predicated on the idea that the only “true” programming language is one that must be compiled from source code to produce executable code. I can tell you from experience that this is categorically untrue. Shells are the glue of Linux.

For system automations we use two magic BASH + JENKINS


When we need deep and deeper integrations. We call PERL. We use PERL for mainly;

  • Managing Cloud VMs or Virtual Machines
  • Serving for web pages
  • Speech recognition
  • Text to speech translation
  • Software testing with TAP
  • System Administration Tasks
  • Bioinformatics via BioPERL
  • Log Management
  • Text Manipulation

PERL is also good interactor with Syslog, SNMP, Expect, BGP, Mysql, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, Couchbase, Memcache, NTP, REST, SOAP, and JSON/RPC. That makes PERL also a dark, manipulator programming language.


Python is a simple, developer-friendly, and interpreted general-purpose programming language. Python is gaining more popularity every day because of its simple grammar, rich library ecosystem, and highly productive developer environment. We use Python for building web backends, utility scripts, and native desktop applications. Nowadays, Python is very popular among scientific engineers, data analysts, machine learning engineers, and data scientists too.


It’s just not enough to deploy a specifically configured Linux server. Monitoring the servers is also crucial to maintain them effectively in long run.

The only way to know that your Linux-server-based applications and services are running well is to measure what’s going on in the server and its connectivity status. Linux system monitoring tools reassure you when things are working right, and help you recognize odd behavior, performance anomalies, and their source when the server misbehaves. Once you’ve mastered these dedicated applications – most of which are built into the operating system – you’ll be well on your way to Linux system administrator expertise.

All server monitoring programs have a few things in common. They set a goal of ensuring that a server is performing optimally, they provide information that lets Linux administrators understand what’s going on, and sometimes automate their responses to those situations. The Linux system monitor tools accomplish this by gathering data on each server’s key performance indicators (KPIs), network connectivity, and application availability.


NPG Stack

We monitoring your system with Grafana using Netdata and Prometheus. We strongly recommend NPG Stack over ELK and EFK.

Netdata helps sysadmins, SREs, DevOps engineers, and IT professionals collect all possible metrics from systems and applications, visualize these metrics in real-time, and troubleshoot complex performance problems.

Grafana is the open source analytics & monitoring solution for every database.

Prometheus is an open-source technology designed to provide monitoring and alerting functionality for cloud-native environments, including Kubernetes.

ELK Stack

ELK is the acronym for three open source projects: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a search and analytics engine. Logstash is a server‑side data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to a “stash” like Elasticsearch. Kibana lets users visualize data with charts and graphs in Elasticsearch.

EFK Stack

EFK is a suite of tools combining Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana to manage logs. Fluentd will collect the logs and send them to Elasticsearch. This latter will receive the logs and save it on its database. Kibana will fetch the logs from Elasticsearch and display it on a nice web app. All three components are available as binaries or as Docker containers.

When running multiple services and applications on a Kubernetes cluster, a centralized, cluster-level work stack will assist you quickly type through and analyze the serious volume of log knowledge made by your Pods. One well-liked centralised solution is the Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK) stack.


Zabbix is a full-stack, Enterprise ready open source monitoring tool licensed under the GNU GPL2 license. It allows you to monitor everything from Network, via Server and Cloud, to Applications and services. Zabbix can run either on-premise or one of the many supported cloud platforms.

Zabbix allows you to collect metrics from Network devices, Cloud, containers and virtual machines, Databases, Applications, HTTP(s) endpoints, and many more. Alerting is handled by multiple platforms, including On-Call, Opsgenie, Pagerduty, Slack, MS Teams, Telegram, or Webhooks.

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(+90) 5323107739